Friday, February 17, 2006

More on the YMCA

At the end of week two, I'm happy to say that I'm settling in nicely. It's starting to feel like home and I'm getting to know everyone quite well (staff and residents.)

The days can be anything from paperwork to probation and food to floods! I'm using all the skills I have, and finding a few I need to learn. I still feel like I'm in the right place so I must be being stretched in the right way. Right?

This week I've learnt a little more about the history, or perhaps heritage, of the YMCA in Norwich. The building has been steeped in prayer by some serious prayer warriors. We're talking Intercessors with real gifting, including OG's 'Auntie Jean', who prayed every week for the YMCA's work. There's a challenge with me and prayer in there somewhere, but I'm good with that!

It's going well and God is working in me. I'm testing myself and learning just who I have become.

(I also worked out that I went to school with the boss' daughter...)

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