Sunday, January 20, 2008


It's time for a change.

It's been coming since November (or even before that.)

Themes of leadership, vision and teaching are recurring.

I have re-assessed pretty much everything I do to see what should remain and I have looked at the vision and tasks that I have been working to and measured my progress.

I have been very confused.

What exactly is going to change is not yet clear!


  1. We will watch this space...

  2. Hi Phil!

    I feel that God has led me to this place and to this post in particular. I have some vacancies in the YMCA schools department and I wondered whether you might be interested in applying. I completely understand if this isn't the sort of change you were talking about but I thought I'd suggest it. If you want to ring me for a chat then call me on 01603 630049 ext 121 or 07771895524.

    All the best in whatever you decide...

