Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy Christmas Eve

This is the first Christmas eve of my married life that I haven't had to work, so we're off for a walk in Holt Country Park and maybe a picnic (in the car) at Sherringham.

How are those hope-filled Christmases going?

My Dad had a stroke of genius (he reads this by the way) and got us an early Christmas present...

We now have a (very good) webcam and have (succumbed) subscribed to SKYPE. So, on Christmas day, though they'll be hundreds of miles away, we can all see each other for a video call. Brilliant.

I'm looking forward to it almost as much as the Smoked-salmon & scambled eggs for breakfast, with Bucksfizz!

Thanks Dad!

1 comment:

  1. oo that sounds fun.

    Many an entertaining conversation have I had over msn using microphones ;)
