Saturday, October 06, 2007

Before I get going on...

...the amazing teaching I have ben exposed to, I should point out that I am in a place of needing to renew or refine my vision.

I have completed a part of my 'mission' and feel that I need to define a bit more where I am going.

I am aware that I have changed in the last two years and that these changes, brought about by trusting God, give me new options to look at.

As Bill hybels would put it, I am "prepared to pay the price" of seeking God on all of this by focussing my time, prayer and bible reading time to learnig more of God.

I think I realised all of this whilst at the GLS. This time, I felt much less of a fraud being there. Last year I did think to myself 'Why am I here? What right do I have?'. Over the years, people have believed that I have some leadership potential and have invested in me. Over the years, I have learnt and listend and tried. This year I feel a change coming on.

I think it's time that I took responsility for developing my spiritual gifts and their impimentation, be it at home, church or work.
(something else that Bill Hybels hinted at.)

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